Dedicated to Creativity & Evolution through Spirituality & the Arts.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Art of Kristiana

Here is a wonderful artist my two year old nephew and I enjoy together. Oh the stories they tell...

Kristiana, what do you love most about creating your work?

I really enjoy working with colors. I feel like my artwork often speaks through hues. For example: combination of earthy light blue and dusty yellow creates a feeling of safety and love; once the blue becomes more green or turquoise, though, the peacefulness changes into restlessness and feeling of wanting to understand. I could go on...



jasmine said...

i love it! thanks for sharing! :)

Donna Quesada said...

I truly love this drawing.

A Changing Crow

My photo
San Diego, California, United States
Changing Crow & Co. promotes healing, wellness, the arts, and social change.

Crow Company


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