Dedicated to Creativity & Evolution through Spirituality & the Arts.

Monday, August 17, 2009

New September Exhibit

Jane Wertz will be showing some new photos this September at the Pannikin 510 N. Hwy 10 in Leucadia, CA 92024. See you there!

Oh and I found a great, recent article from the New York Times. It's all about Leucadia and the Pannikin!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Amazing Young Artist

I have recently stumbled upon a brilliant young artist by the name of Chris Noriega a.k.a. Izon. He is a sixteen year old creating beautiful art in the world during 4th period. Check him out on deviant...

A Changing Crow

My photo
San Diego, California, United States
Changing Crow & Co. promotes healing, wellness, the arts, and social change.

Crow Company


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